Neptune as ‘beginners mind’ – enlightenment is all around us already, within us and without us.

‘Beginner’s mind’ is a term used a lot in meditation practices, often in Zen practices, which describes a state of mindfulness which brings us to the present moment and away from all the various thoughts that enter and leave the mind every second of every day. If you sit, only for five minutes in meditation and try to bring your focus entirely to one thing, e.g. the sensations created on the nostrils by the breath as you inhale and exhale, you will find just how much the mind tends to wander and then follow each and every train of random though that comes up. With beginner’s mind, we constantly come back to the present moment, letting go of attachments to those various thoughts and the feelings and emotions they bring up. We don’t become weighed down by judgements of ourselves and of others, running critiques and criticism from us or from others towards us. We don’t replay a hurtful comment directed our way that happened two years ago. Instead, we see these thoughts for what they, seeing to the truth behind them. We are aware that these thoughts are the nature of the mind and form no attachment to them, instead, we constantly come back to the present moment, living in the moment – the timeless state. It is a state that has to be experienced as words can only serve to box it into a concept when in fact it is beyond the boundary of words.


Neptune is a planet and an energy that gives the ability to have incredible faith and belief in people. It is the opposite of cynicism, which boxes us into pre-defined ideas. The essence of Neptune can see the best in people and situations and this ability is continuous even if the other person or situation does not always live up to the Neptunian ideal – Neptune will continue to see the best in the other. Neptune tends not to get caught up or stuck in the surface appearance of people or situations, it can get beyond that and straight to the soul. Neptune has no barriers, no boundaries as it merges with everything it touches, become one with it. In fact, Neptune is already one with everything and everyone, in a sense, the same as the element of ether. Ether connects all the other elements together, the air molecules, the fire, water and earth molecules. It is everywhere all the time but you cannot contain it. Rather than thinking and using the logic, it just is and it just knows what is. In this sense, the energy is very much like beginner’s mind which just is, ever present in the moment, thoroughly aware and awake with the universal wisdom that comes from being present and connected with all that is around us. This is a state that transcends time, as time is formed from thoughts of past and future and keeps us limited. The present, the ether, the state of Neptune is timeless and infinite, all encompassing and unattached. It is a state we constantly come back to through meditation experiences, coming back to beginner’s mind and living each moment as new, where incredible lightness and joy can be found.

A quote by Shunryu Suzuki, “You do not meditate to gain enlightenment, you meditate because you are enlightened”. With Neptune, the object is already there but maybe not immediately visible to the everyday eye, we have to tune in, become one with the Neptunian state, to percieve it. We are already enlightened, but need to be still, that is, still the unruly thoughts that we attach to, in order to percieve our divine natures. Enlightenment is all around us, we just need to ‘see’ it with beginner’e eyes.

do you see a cloud, or a heart?


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New Moon in Virgo (5,27 degree Virgo) 29th August 2011 3am GMT – renewal of faith

This is a beautiful new Moon in Virgo, conjunct Venus and forming a grand trine to Jupiter and Pluto. A very earthy and grounding new Moon easing the bite of last weeks Mars/Moon/Saturn square with Mercury retrograde. This is a lovely time to get things in order, releasing old routines, habits and beliefs that are not in our best interests. How often do we actually stop to listen to and hear our inner dialogue – is it helping us and nurturing us, or degrading and hurting us? Are we aware of how our thoughts and beliefs do affect our health? This combination of new Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Pluto in trine, as well as Mercury newly direct looks like a doorway to a renewal of faith based in grounded wisdom. Taking what we have learned so far, letting go of what needs to be released and moving forwards empowered with the wisdom of experiences had.

Experiences with Pluto take us into our unconscious or make us aware and awake to the true nature of life, not always pleasent but necessary if we want to be true to ourselves and more complete as individuals. Pluto helps us to confront ourselves, he doesn’t mess around with superficialities, he gets straight to the point. Pluto’s ‘darker’ side also involves obsession, manipulation, domination, power plays, maybe through being unconscious to the motivations behind the outer behaviour. Through facing our fears with patience/love, we are empowered as we become more whole, making the aura strengthened.

Chiron, the healer and integrator is also involved by opposition to the lunation. Chiron has been around alot of these lunations lately, helping us assimilate the vibrational changes of this time, helping us on our journeys to wholeness. This is a truly transformational time.

The ‘greater benefic’ Jupiter is involved, lending generous support, faith and optimism. Good to have Jupiter around on a journey to Pluto’s ‘underworld’, giving a light of inner hope and faith in the unknown, a bit like the Star card of the tarot deck. This gives a nurturing kind of feel in a Jupitarian way and thoroughly grounded in earthly and senual Taurus. We are getting in touch with nature here, the cycles of nature, the healing peaceful way it brings us back to Earth from the modern high-tech fast-paced world, reminding us to breath, be still and be one with ourselves which is the most natural way to nurture ourselves as we get back in touch with our own true nature.

This lunation looks interesting also as the full Moon culminating this new Moon is square the lunar nodes – fated events happening, things temporarily out of our hands as powers greater than us make themselves clear. Unusual things happen. It should be interesting to see how that plays out. That lunation also includes the Venus sextile to Mars with an equal mutual reception. More on that later.

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Fists of God (25/8/2011) – dynamic energy

Included in the Mars/Saturn square over the next few days, 24th to 25th August, a pattern known as the Fist/Hammer of God. There are in fact two Fists being formed in the skies, adding alot of energy to the air. Fists are Mars/Saturn to Neptune, and, Uranus/Pluto to Mercury.


The first contains Mars square Saturn, both form sesquiquadrates towards Neptune at 29 degrees Aquarius. The planet that the fist points towards, in this case Neptune, is thought of by some astrologers as the planet that we can use to find creative solutions to the tensions formed by the two planets in square (Mars/Saturn). In this case, with Neptune, maybe we can find creative inspiration as an outlet for the all the work focused energy. Real structure can be found with the help of tapping into the intuition and letting it guide you. Neptune can also be about surrendering, and with Sun just movnig out of opposition with Neptune, this can be surrendering the ego and the need for instant results. This Neptune in Aquaruis and Sun in Virgo energy suggests the focus is on serving others in society as an outlet, as we are all linked together in some way.

The other fist is formed from Uranus square to Pluto, both sesquiquadrate to Mercury (19/18 degrees Leo, about to turn direct). Interestingly, Mercury is also at the midpoint of Mars/Sun which means this is tied into the Mars/Saturn fist. Uranus and Pluto in square, sending stressful aspects towards Mercury could make communications tense to say the least! Especially today as Moon joins Mars by conjunction for a few hours. With such tensions in the air, some may be triggered to react to the stress they feel building inside, maybe expressing this through Mercury (communications, thoughts). But, also with the vibrations of Uranus/Pluto, many old habits may be recognised and transformed into something much healthier. As the ego softens, a connection with something much more vast can be felt as the heart opens.

Mars square Saturn, mutual reception (24/8/2011)

Mars reaches exact square to Saturn later today, mutual reception into each other’s detriment. This may play out as a feeling of frustration, not feeling plans are progressing, work not getting done, things apparently not going as fast as we may prefer. Mars is already in fall and Saturn is in it’s sign of exhaltation, so the energy of Saturn is the stronger, this time may be beneficial to concentrate on doing what can be done in a steady pace, clearing up the loose ends from this Mercury retrograde period, outstanding work that has been put aside. Try not to work to hard during this time, remembering to nurture yourself with the energy of Mars in Cancer.

Venus and Sun in Virgo, trine Pluto, Mercury rx and Moon waning (23/8/2011)

Sun and Venus now in Virgo, bringing focus on health, service and getting some organisation into one’s life. Bringing things together in a grounded way in the life creates space to pursue dreams and goals. Venus and Sun both forming an ingoing trine to Pluto in Cap and then trine to Jupiter in Taurus, while Moon still waning and Mercury retrograde… definately feels like a good time to get down to earth, clear out all those things either externally or internally that clog up our paths, creating space to make way for a new cycle to commence.

Last quarter Moon, Moon conjunct Algol, Sun/Venus opposite Neptune

Last quarter Moon today, Moon conjunct Algol from Taurus squares Sun in Leo. Along with that, Mars is heading towards a square to Saturn with Mercury still retrograde and combust. Mars and Saturn are in mutual reception by detriment and Mars is the dominant planet of the two, being ahead of Saturn in the natural movement of planets in the sky. This looks interesting as Moon forms a temporary t-square to Sun opposition Neptune.

Frustration and tense reactions may rise… breathe, trust that we are guided on the path that is the right way for us at this time. This could be a frustrating time, but also a good time to cut through illusions and let go of ideals that are not serving our higher purpose, while the Moon is in her final quarter preparing for a new cycle to commence. Mars forms a sextile to Jupiter which may help soothe some of the more grizzly moments, giving spiritual/philosophical backup to see beyond the initial appearance of things to the possible soul evolution that can come out of this time.

Venus, then Mercury cazimi Sun while Mars approaches eclipse degree (15-17/8/2011)

Lots of things happening this August week as firstly Venus is cazimi Sun today from 9am (GMT) until Wednesday midday, 22 to 24 degree Leo, while on Tuesday Mercury joins in until Wedesday 4am. This means the planets will be within 17 arc minutes from a conjunction with the Sun – being in the ‘heart of the king’, enthused and empowered with the energy of the Sun, adding and enhancing the energies of both Venus and Mercury. Venus rules romance, love, relationships, money, values, diplomacy, harmony, she wants to make life as easy and pleasant as possible and for everyone to be happy. Mercury rules communications, journeys, travel. Bold statements and expressions very possible now with the ability to really make a statement. This could range from an amazing declaration of love to bold discussions about money, either one is likely to flow more easily now. There can be bold demonstrations of love, wealth, glamour, feeling generally confident about oneself while the power of communication is greatly enhanced. It may be easier to create something beautiful and bold, to stand out and shine in the area that Venus and Mercury rules in your chart. A wonderful time to make amends with the past also, as Mercury is still retrograde, to ensure a more balanced present which continues to a positive future.

This also occurs as Mars approaches conjunction with the July solar eclipse degree (9 degree Cancer). That solar eclipse was also in square to transiting Saturn, indicating some work to be done in order to achieve results. Transiting Mars was in sextile to Saturn, maybe helping out a bit in that eclipse formation bringing the motivation necessary to do with Saturnian work. However, transiting Lilith was also opposing the Saturn, maybe bringing about a karmic meeting of some form. And finally but no way least, that eclipse was also opposed to transiting Pluto (empowerment, transformation) and trine to Chiron (spiritual warrior, healer, teacher), giving the potential for deep, spiritual healing and integration of unconsious paterns. Quite a busy eclipse that one was, now with Mars coming to trigger it all off at the same time as the Venus/Mercury cazimi in Leo.

This could mean that the areas in the natal chart ruled by Venus and Mercury, as well as their natal placement, could be ‘shining’ and out on show right now, especially where the transiting Venus/Sun/Mercury is aspecting. New projects could be given extra stimuli, enhanced and elevated, also depending on where the eclipse fell in the natal chart, the planets it aspected and the aspects made from the transiting planets. Lots happening this week as certain areas start to open up, the foggyness of the Mercury/Neptune opposition hopefully is also fading, bringing more clarity.

(the pink picture is a mandala of the pattern that Venus makes at each conjunction of the Sun viewed from Earth)

Full Moon in Aquarius, opposite Pandora (13/8/2011)

Full Moon today at 20,14 degree Aquarius opposing three objects – Venus, Mercury retrograde and the asteroid Pandora. It looks like a rather interesting combination of energies being brought to our full focus. Full Moons bring things to our full attention – lighting up what was previously obscured. Through this, we are given options to decide what to do with the revelations that come to us.

From Leo, we have Mercury, Pandora, Sun and Venus all in contact with this lunation. Leo is about bold expression, making a statement and making themselves known, shining in their own creative and regal way. Leo is also about the individual ego expression. In Leo, Venus loves dramatic or warm hearted and bold shows of affection, glamour and show. Mercury in Leo likes to make a verbal statement and is very confident and creative in their expressions. Another side of this energy is thinking that their way is the best and only way, being a fixed sign. This lunation is highlighting how we express ourselves in a bold and creative way, with the Moon in Aquarius showing us the need to balance this expression with a certain detachment from the individual ego, maybe balancing our own needs with those of the society or the groups and people around us. Or, to be more unattached to the actual outcome.

Pandora is an interesting asteriod that represents the mythic Pandora who was given a box by the Gods and told not to open it. But her curiosity compelled her to open it, only to unleash all the ills, evils and curses onto humanity, including greed, lies, disease, hatred, jealousy. By the time Pandora managed to close the lid of the box, there was only one thing left inside – ‘hope’. In natal charts, Pandora can represent an insatiable curiosity where we seek to explore and discover, through and beyond all the more undesirable traits, the hidden gem of truth and reality. It can also represent the scapegoat of society where all the ills and negative traits are projected onto the Pandora person. An example can be the person who makes the newspapers through some bad behaviour such as an outburst of anger, with the public expressing their disgust for them and their behaviour, yet deep inside, we all probably contain, have felt or accepted some element of their behaviour.

It’s interesting that Pandora is conjunct the Mercury, which is also opposed to Neptune and with the full Moon highlighting all of those, it seems to be unravelling and revealing the ‘Pandora’s Box’ within society at this time. What is it in our external world that we see at this time that we deny exists within us to some degree? Do we project outward something we deny in ourselves? Do we place blame on others for their misgivings when really we need to look inside… When the very thing we hate in another person triggers such a strong emotion in us, there is a reason.. is there a resonance on some level inside of us? Are we really being real with ourselves, or portraying an image that is not true to who we really are…

The full Moon may be highlighting areas where we need to put our hidden things out and face them with full awareness and acceptance. Only through truly accepting ourselves and our Pandora’s boxes, can we live a geniune and wholehearted life, no need to hide or be something that we are not. The gem of hope, inner light, is found beyond all the less easy-to-swallow traits. Understanding of these can lead to such a wonderful gem of inner peace and acceptance.

Mars/Uranus/Pluto – beyond the riots and looting

As Mars finishes opposition to Pluto, the violent activity has dimished across the UK, unfortunately with some deaths resulting. Violence is never good, especially when it harms others in my view, we do have a choice in how we react, however, looking deeper here are some quotes from the looters, one wearing a pair of Nike trainers that he had stolen, said: “Right now it looks like there isn’t a future for young people, that’s how I see it.” He added: “We are not doing it for the fun of it, we are doing it for money to survive.” ‘

It looks like the people who have been hit by the various cuts, joblessness are the ones doing the looting, amongst them are what could be considered ‘normal’ or ‘average’ citizens who saw an opportunity to grab things they could not afford either for personal use or to sell.

Some say its the lack of family values in this modern society. Family is the roots, the 4th house, Nadir. Our intsinctual base, deeply held habits, our inheritance from parents and home. The actions of Mars/Pluto/Uranus are very much instinctual and reactive to an inner urge. An anger was stirring in the collective, like a mass hysteria and spread like wild fire across various parts of the country.

We also live in a materialistic society, or at least it has been up to now. Advertising and media use various hypnotic methods to make sure we buy their products, otherwise we will feel a bit less valuable unless we have that lipstick, Manolo shoes, latest model mobile phone and accompanying Ap, the newest super duper plasma hi-tech wall mounting TV. This is the crazyness that leads to a deep dissatisfaction that has been fed to us for years. We have been sold and now think these things are essential. In a recession, there are some people who now cannot afford this and that, but have no idea how to quell the dissatisfaction of not having the necessary resources. The need to ‘buy, buy, buy’ cannot be satisfied, but what replaces it? Various charities are also being cut and closed that helps the poorer members of society, and where do they turn? Sure we do need various technologies such as mobiles and internet to keep in touch, and even to help us learn and grow through the endless source of information out there, but keeping these wants in balance is vitally important to our soul’s well-being. Internet withdrawal symptons have been identified including,

“…feelings of anger, tension and/or depression when the computer is inaccessible;

· The need for better computers, more software, or more hours of use;

· Negative repercussions, including arguments, lying, poor achievement, social isolation and fatigue”

Can the Uranian realisation be that we are perfect just the way we are? We don’t need all the consumer extras to make us feel truly whole inside and out? They are useful in their place but we have to remember who we really are and where our true home is, within. Can we start to percieve that our world (inner and outer) is absolutely fine just the way it is? And can we find the way to our hearts and start to love and value ourselves in our most natural and real state, without the need for an Ap?


‘the most beautiful music coming from the saxophonist as he becomes one with his music on a hazy summer evening’

August UK riots 2011

The August London riots, said to be similar to the violence of the 1980’s riots in London, was triggered by the fatal and unfortunate shooting by police of a passenger in a cab on 4th August. On 6th August, about 300 people were gathering outside Tottenham police station demonstrating for justice. The demonstration that started peacefully ended in violence. Looking at the July ingress chart for London, a few things leap out that immediately describes the violence that has suddenly erputed. Scorpio rising, that is intense in itself. Mars is just near the descendant, at 0 degrees Gemini also still very near the prominent Algol. Algol is the fixed star with a terrible reputation, representing the severed head of Medusa. Amongst other things, Algol represents mob violence. This could have been, beneath the surface, an expression of the people rising up against the thing they fear and fighting for justice. Also symbolic maybe of the underlying tensions building up in society in general. Mars is also in square with Neptune (could that be representative of the petrol bombs that were used…?) and heading to a square with Chiron, maybe bringing out the collective wounding into the open though the violence in order for long term healing to happen.

Mars square the Neptune maybe be influencing the misinformation reported by BBC news: “Rachel Cerfontyne, commissioner with the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) which is investigating Mr Duggan’s death, said the 29-year-old had not been “assassinated in an execution style” and that there was “misinformation” about the death on Thursday”. Certainly, with Mercury now retrograde and opposing Neptune, the issue may well have been unclear.

The ingress chart has a cardinal grand cross – Sun opposing Pluto, square to Uranus and square to Saturn, and right now transiting Mars is rossing that same Sun degree, triggering that grand cross. Sudden, explosive changes as the collective anger is expressed. Pluto is also opposite the Sun/Mercury midpoint and Mars is now conjuncting that midpoint – angry voices seeking outlet, use of power, power struggles, expression of ego and a deeply held need for catharsis and change.

Saturn is also conjunct fixed star Vindemiatrix, ‘The Widow Maker’, and when tied up with Saturn, is associated with ‘depressive moods, skepticism a distrustful nature’. When tied up with Mercury as here Mercury is in tight square to Saturn/Vindemiatrix, ‘tied up with Mercury, this star, if otherwise badly place, will lead to nervous irritability’.* Depressed and irritable, possibly weary of the constant news informing us of various limitations due to funding and lack of money, while gas/electric companies and banks keep reporting their massive profits, the anger and frustration bubbling below the surface in society just needed a catalyst to trigger it’s expression – and along comes an ecplise and Mars.

In mundane charts, the Moon represents the people, crowds, women, the public. Venus is peacfeul resolutions. Moon is however square to Venus, the people are not easily going to remain peaceful when demonstrating and expressing their points. Mars also represents the police, and here conjunct Algol is significant of their misfortune.

Mercury and Lilith are also part of the grand cross – Saturn is opposing Lilith, this could show an attempt at repressing wild instinctual feminine energies. But Lilith is a rebel, and along with Uranus there seems to be the power and urge to break free and express what is deep within. Mercury joins them forming t-square to both – the expression of the repression perhaps, channelled by trine through communications (Moon in 3rd house) of the people/Moon. Mercury also represents young people, and it seems the crowd is made up of a large number of young people.

There has since been further violence in another part of London, Enfield, with raids, looting and fires. Transiting Mars is now squaring Uranus and opposing the Pluto in the ingress chart, hopefully the flare ups of anger will not last much longer as the Mars influence fades. This is an unfortunate expression of very angry energies, with one fatality and many injuries. Thankfully also the Saturn/Vindemiatrix is not prominent on an angle, otherwise there may have been more deaths. On the surface, it does look like world war III, but beneath it may be showing the start of long term changes coming about in society. People are frustrated and angry and directing their anger at the front line of authority, the police, in this case.

*Vindemiatrix –

*Algol –